HSC Result 2019 Published Date is available here. In this year, if you attended Higher Secondary Certificate - HSC Examination, then you must need to know your result. Because it's important for you and then you able to admit any university of Bangladesh or go abroad for study.
After knowing HSC exam result 2019 date, you can get instantly from online or mobile sms method. Under the educationboardresults.gov.bd website, you can know all of your result information with HSC Result Marksheet. That will amazing for you and also for your friends too.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক সার্টিফিকেট (এইচএসসি) ও সমমানের পরীক্ষার ফল প্রকাশ করা হবে ১৭ জুলাই। শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তা আজ সোমবার প্রথম আলোকে এ তথ্য জানিয়েছেন।
সকাল ১০টার দিকে গণভবনে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার হাতে ফলাফলের অনুলিপি তুলে দেওয়া হবে। পরে সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানানো হবে। গত এপ্রিলে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা শুরু হয়েছিল।
এইচএসসি ও সমমানের পরীক্ষা শুরু হয় ১ এপ্রিল। আটটি সাধারণ শিক্ষা বোর্ড, মাদ্রাসা ও কারিগরি বোর্ড মিলিয়ে মোট পরীক্ষার্থী ছিল ১৩ লাখ ৫১ হাজার ৫০৫ জন। এর মধ্যে আটটি সাধারণ শিক্ষা বোর্ডের অধীনে শুধু এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থী ছিল ১১ লাখ ৩৮ হাজার ৭৪৭ জন।
সূত্রঃ প্রথম আলো
HSC Result 2019 Published Date
After finished the HSC examination, then result published after three months. In this year, HSC examination & Alim Exam Result 2019 Published date will 17 July 2019. After 10:00 AM the Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni will transfer whole result summer to Prime Minister Shaikh Hasina. After 12:00 PM of the same day, you able to get your result from your college. After 2:00 PM of the same day, you able to get your result from online or sms.
From the whole Bangladesh, there attended large amount of students. In this year, pass score was very excellent and it's amazing for also their parents. There are total 11 education boards in Bangladesh and they are - Dhaka Board, Comilla Board, Chittagong Board, Sylhet Board, Barisal Board, Jessore Board, Dinajpur Board, Rajshahi Board, Mymensingh Board, Technical Board & Madrasa Board. You must should know the hsc result published date 2019 to make sure about your result in this year.
How to Get HSC Result 2019 BD?
After getting HSC or Alim Result 2019 Published Date, must need to get it. There are total 3 official method to get HSC Exam 2019 Result and they are Education Board Result, Web Based Result & Mobile SMS Method. When published the result, immediately you able to get it from your college after 12:00PM. But you able to get it from internet after 2:00PM. If you need result with marksheet, then you will get it after 6:00PM of the same day.
Alim Result 2019 Publish Date
The Higher Secondary Certificate - HSC and Alim exam result bd started from 1st April and finished on 11th May. You may get the HSC Exam Routine to know the whole schedule. After finished the examination, the result will published after 3 months. Sometimes it may delay for some political or climate problem. May be the result will published on July and then you able to start admission on University.
HSC Exam Result 2019 by www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
This is official method to getting your result. After getting HSC Result Date 2019, you may use this method to download your result. if you face server problem, then use another alternative method by eboardresults. Here is step by step way to get it..
Go to www.educationboardresults.gov.bd from your internet browser.
Choose HSC/Alim from here
Now choose your board name
Select your examination year
Enter your HSC Roll Number
Write your HSC Registration Number
Solve the math and write on the box
Finally press on Submit and you all done.
HSC Result 2019 by eboardresults.com
This is alternative method and lite version of Bangladesh Education Board Results website. When lot's of server request receive by www educationboardresults gov bd website, then it face server problem. Then you unable to check your result. So, after the HSC Result 2019 Publish Date, you may use alternative way to get result fast. Here is guide How to get HSC result by eboardresults.com:
Open eboardresults.com from your computer or mobile internet browser.
Choose HSC/Alim/Equivalent from the menu.
Now select 2019 as your examination year.
Select your board name.
Now write your HSC roll number.
Now write your HSC registration number (it's optional
Write the security code from the image.
Finally press on Get Result and you got it.
Previously I shared two official online method to check your Higher Secondary Certificate exam result. It's time to share mobile SMS method and it's too easy. Just need to keep enough account balance in your mobile and then follow this step:
HSC <space> Board Code<space> Roll Number <space> 2019 and send sms to 16222.
Example: HSC RAJ 12345 2019 and send to 16222.
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After knowing HSC exam result 2019 date, you can get instantly from online or mobile sms method. Under the educationboardresults.gov.bd website, you can know all of your result information with HSC Result Marksheet. That will amazing for you and also for your friends too.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক সার্টিফিকেট (এইচএসসি) ও সমমানের পরীক্ষার ফল প্রকাশ করা হবে ১৭ জুলাই। শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তা আজ সোমবার প্রথম আলোকে এ তথ্য জানিয়েছেন।
সকাল ১০টার দিকে গণভবনে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার হাতে ফলাফলের অনুলিপি তুলে দেওয়া হবে। পরে সংবাদ সম্মেলন করে বিস্তারিত তথ্য জানানো হবে। গত এপ্রিলে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা শুরু হয়েছিল।
এইচএসসি ও সমমানের পরীক্ষা শুরু হয় ১ এপ্রিল। আটটি সাধারণ শিক্ষা বোর্ড, মাদ্রাসা ও কারিগরি বোর্ড মিলিয়ে মোট পরীক্ষার্থী ছিল ১৩ লাখ ৫১ হাজার ৫০৫ জন। এর মধ্যে আটটি সাধারণ শিক্ষা বোর্ডের অধীনে শুধু এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার্থী ছিল ১১ লাখ ৩৮ হাজার ৭৪৭ জন।
সূত্রঃ প্রথম আলো
HSC Result 2019 Published Date
After finished the HSC examination, then result published after three months. In this year, HSC examination & Alim Exam Result 2019 Published date will 17 July 2019. After 10:00 AM the Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni will transfer whole result summer to Prime Minister Shaikh Hasina. After 12:00 PM of the same day, you able to get your result from your college. After 2:00 PM of the same day, you able to get your result from online or sms.
From the whole Bangladesh, there attended large amount of students. In this year, pass score was very excellent and it's amazing for also their parents. There are total 11 education boards in Bangladesh and they are - Dhaka Board, Comilla Board, Chittagong Board, Sylhet Board, Barisal Board, Jessore Board, Dinajpur Board, Rajshahi Board, Mymensingh Board, Technical Board & Madrasa Board. You must should know the hsc result published date 2019 to make sure about your result in this year.
How to Get HSC Result 2019 BD?
After getting HSC or Alim Result 2019 Published Date, must need to get it. There are total 3 official method to get HSC Exam 2019 Result and they are Education Board Result, Web Based Result & Mobile SMS Method. When published the result, immediately you able to get it from your college after 12:00PM. But you able to get it from internet after 2:00PM. If you need result with marksheet, then you will get it after 6:00PM of the same day.
Alim Result 2019 Publish Date
The Higher Secondary Certificate - HSC and Alim exam result bd started from 1st April and finished on 11th May. You may get the HSC Exam Routine to know the whole schedule. After finished the examination, the result will published after 3 months. Sometimes it may delay for some political or climate problem. May be the result will published on July and then you able to start admission on University.
HSC Exam Result 2019 by www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
This is official method to getting your result. After getting HSC Result Date 2019, you may use this method to download your result. if you face server problem, then use another alternative method by eboardresults. Here is step by step way to get it..
Go to www.educationboardresults.gov.bd from your internet browser.
Choose HSC/Alim from here
Now choose your board name
Select your examination year
Enter your HSC Roll Number
Write your HSC Registration Number
Solve the math and write on the box
Finally press on Submit and you all done.
HSC Result 2019 by eboardresults.com
This is alternative method and lite version of Bangladesh Education Board Results website. When lot's of server request receive by www educationboardresults gov bd website, then it face server problem. Then you unable to check your result. So, after the HSC Result 2019 Publish Date, you may use alternative way to get result fast. Here is guide How to get HSC result by eboardresults.com:
Open eboardresults.com from your computer or mobile internet browser.
Choose HSC/Alim/Equivalent from the menu.
Now select 2019 as your examination year.
Select your board name.
Now write your HSC roll number.
Now write your HSC registration number (it's optional
Write the security code from the image.
Finally press on Get Result and you got it.
How to Check HSC Result 2019 by SMS Method
Previously I shared two official online method to check your Higher Secondary Certificate exam result. It's time to share mobile SMS method and it's too easy. Just need to keep enough account balance in your mobile and then follow this step:
HSC <space> Board Code<space> Roll Number <space> 2019 and send sms to 16222.
Example: HSC RAJ 12345 2019 and send to 16222.
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